Nicholson, JoanneHinden, Beth R.Biebel, KathleenHenry, Alexis D.Stier, Lawrence2022-08-232022-08-232004-04-012011-02-08Nicholson, J., Hinden, B., Biebel, K., Henry, A., & Stier, L. (2004). Programs for families with parental mental illness. Visions: British Columbia Mental Health and Addictions Journal, 2(2), 27-29. Available at: Survey of programs in the U.S. for parents with mental illness.en-USParentingParentsFamily RelationsMental DisordersMentally Ill PersonsHealth Services ResearchMental and Social HealthPsychiatric and Mental HealthPsychiatryPsychiatry and PsychologyPrograms for Families with Parental Mental Illness: Results of a US National SurveyJournal Article