Orwig, TaylorSutaria, ShivWang, ZiyueHoward-Wilson, SakeinaDunlap, DeniseLilly, Craig MBuchholz, BryanMcManus, David DHafer, Nathaniel2023-11-272023-11-272023-11-2710.13028/3gn6-qq41https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14038/52793This dataset is the primary data source for this published manuscript: Orwig T, Sutaria S, Wang Z, Howard-Wilson S, Dunlap D, Lilly CM, Buchholz B, McManus DD, Hafer N. Sampling of healthcare professionals' perspective on point-of-care technologies from 2019-2021: A survey of benefits, concerns, and development. PLoS One. 2024 Mar 8;19(3):e0299516. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0299516. PMID: 38457401; PMCID: PMC10923439.Point-of-care technology (POCT) plays a vital role in modern healthcare by providing a fast diagnosis, improving patient management, and extending healthcare access to remote and resource-limited areas. The objective of this study was to understand how healthcare professionals in the United States perceived POCTs during 2019-2021 to assess the decision-making process of implementing these newer technologies into everyday practice.en-USCopyright © 2023 The Author(s); Attribution 4.0 Internationalhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/point-of-care technologyrapid testinghealthcare professional surveyCOVID-19UMCCTS fundingPOINT-OF-CARE TECHNOLOGY CLINICIAN-FACING SURVEY Dataset for Sampling of Healthcare Professionals’ Perspective on Point-of-Care Technologies from 2019-2021: a survey of benefits, concerns, and developmentDataset