Garg, AmitBelazarian, LeahDomingues, Erik2022-08-232022-08-232014-01-012015-11-10J Am Acad Dermatol. 2014 Jan;70(1):115-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jaad.2013.09.028. <a href="">Link to article on publisher's site</a>.0190-9622 (Linking)10.1016/j.jaad.2013.09.02824220723<p>Full author list omitted for brevity. For the full list of authors, see article.</p> <p>Co-author Erik Domingues is a medical student at UMass Medical School.</p>BACKGROUND: Knowledge of the skin cancer examination (SCE) and its practice remain relevant competency gaps among medical students. OBJECTIVE: We elaborate on a method of SCE known as the Integrated Skin Exam and discuss the development of an instructional film that illustrates its principles. We assess the tool's effect on knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions related to the SCE. METHODS: Second-year students among 8 randomized schools viewed the film and completed pre-post questionnaires. RESULTS: After viewing The Integrated Skin Exam film, students demonstrated improved melanoma knowledge, including identification of high-risk demographic groups (61% vs 42.9%, P < .001), high-risk anatomic sites in women (88.6% vs 46.5%, P < .001) and men (92.1% vs 34.8%, P < .001), and the ABCDEs of melanoma (98.4% vs 91.2%, P < .001). Students demonstrated increased confidence in the SCE (66.93% vs 16.40%, P < .001) and augmented intentions to practice it (99.05% vs 13.9%, P < .001). A greater proportion (70.4% vs 41.9%, P < .001) of students thought less than 3 minutes were required to integrate SCE into the routine examination. LIMITATIONS: Longitudinal impact of the film was not assessed. CONCLUSION: The Integrated Skin Exam film introduces an integrated approach to the SCE that addresses knowledge gaps, mitigates perceived barriers, and augments intention related to practice of the SCE.en-USAttitude of Health PersonnelDermatologyEarly Detection of Cancer*Education, MedicalFemaleHealth Knowledge, Attitudes, PracticeHumansMaleMelanoma*Motion Pictures as TopicSelf EfficacySkin NeoplasmsStudents, MedicalISEIntegrated Skin ExamPCPSCEintegrated skin cancer examinationmedical educationmedical studentsmelanomaprimary care physiciansskin cancer examinationDermatologyMedical EducationNeoplasmsSkin and Connective Tissue DiseasesThe Integrated Skin Exam film: an educational intervention to promote early detection of melanoma by medical studentsJournal Article