Loe, Brian2022-08-232022-08-232020-12-032020-12-1410.13028/0m9g-4b28https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14038/36361<p>Presented online to the ELWA Family Medicine residents, Monrovia, Liberia, on December 3, 2020.</p>This presentation is part of the PEER Liberia Radiology Lecture Series. The presentation provides an overview of abdominal ultrasound of the liver. Evaluation of the liver demands a comprehensive survey through all the tissue. The practitioner must use a variety of scan planes, acoustic windows and patient positions in order to achieve this. It is important to utilize optimum equipment settings in order to interpret the appearances. Constant evaluation of the image with necessary changes in the settings throughout the scan is necessary to avoid pitfalls and interpret appearance accurately. Diagnosis must be made in the context of the patient’s presenting symptoms and any past history. Utilizing tools such as Doppler help to maximize the information available from the ultrasound scan.youtubeflash_audioen-USCopyright 2020 The Author(s)abdominal ultrasoundliverradiologyAnalytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and EquipmentFamily MedicineMedical EducationRadiologyAbdominal Ultrasound - LiverPresentationhttps://escholarship.umassmed.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1065&amp;context=liberia_peer&amp;unstamped=1https://escholarship.umassmed.edu/liberia_peer/6620589911liberia_peer/66